Section outline

    • Welcome to Study Support for Sciences. On this site you will find guides, tools and resources to build your skills and knowledge in university study, research and assessment. These core skills, such as critical thinking, effective research and teamwork will also serve you well throughout your professional career. 

      Scroll down the page, or navigate to individual sections using the menu. If you have questions, or require further support, please contact us

    • The University of Southern Queensland acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands and waterways where the University is located. Further, we acknowledge the cultural diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and pay respect to Elders past, present and future.

      We celebrate the continuous living cultures of First Australians and acknowledge the important contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have and continue to make in Australian society.

      The University respects and acknowledges our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff, Elders and visitors who come from many nations (USQ, 2021).

    • Throughout your university study, and your professional career, you will need to find, assess and utilise information. This section offers an introduction to effective ways to search, and offers advice on the best resources to use for your assignments. 

    • Information literacy is a skill you will grow and develop throughout your lives. While you may not be aware of it, you use it constantly in your everyday life.

    • You may need to use a wide variety of information for your assignments throughout the course of your degree. Different types of evidence can be used to respond to different questions or problems. 

    • While much of the content on the internet is inappropriate to use in your scholarly and professional lives, there is specific information that you will need to source from the web.

    • Databases are collections of resources grouped by information type or subject area. Here are a few key databases that may be useful to get started in your subject area. 

    • Do you find yourself spending hours going through search results to find the actual information you are looking for? A search strategy targets your search so your results are more relevant, and less numerous.

    • What is good information? This tutorial offers some guidance on how to evaluate the quality of the information you have found for your assignments.

    • Looking for specialist resources, such as maps and standards? This section offers links and guides for finding these resources for your study. 

    • Start searching, or explore other support available through USQ Library.

    • Need further help? Contact USQ Library in person or online. 

    • We introduce some core study skills in this section, such as time management, and important contacts in other areas of the university. 

    • Group work can be challenging in some situations, but there are ways to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible. 

    • Reflective Practice is useful for all students and in all professions, as it enhances confidence and competence.  It allows you to grow and improve.

    • University is an excellent opportunity to develop the writing skills that will be essential to your future careers. 

    • In this section we provide some tips and advice on revising and preparing for exams. 

    • Writing an Honours or Project Thesis can be exciting but may also be daunting. View this step by step guide on planning, finding information and writing your thesis.

    • This resource provides you with a step by step guide on how to start your assignment, how to find information for it and how to write your assignment.

    • A series of videos to help you get up to speed with the mathematics requirements for your courses.

    • A series of videos to help you get up to speed with the mathematics requirements for your courses.

    • QuickTips are short pdf documents which can be used to support your learning.

    • Mathematics is often a part of university study, so it is important to develop the mathematical skills necessary for study within most disciplines. Resources are available for students who have maths anxiety or for students who are studying mathematics off-campus.

    • A series of booklets for Sharp and Casio calculators are available to assist USQ students to learn how to use their calculator effectively.

    • A StudyDesk site provided by USQ’s Mathematics and Statistics academics to promote discussion on current topics, stimulate further learning and research and to alert you to job opportunities in these fields.

  • The library offers a number of online study support workshops throughout the year. A pdf schedule is also available.
    The workshops help with finding information for assignments, writing up assignments, exam preparation and Mathematics help. 

    Recorded workshops from a past year can be viewed at your convenience. 

    • Referencing is giving credit where credit is due. When you reference, you are recognising the work of others and their contribution to the development of your ideas.

      Referencing is required in all university study.

      Any time you fail to reference, you are claiming your content is all original work and ideas. This is unethical, and contravenes both university and professional standards.

      Referencing is very important in the scientific community. According the Code of Ethics of the Astronomical Society or Australia (ASA), scientists 'have an obligation to their colleagues and the scientific community to include a set of references that communicates the precedents, sources, and context of the reported work.' (2015, para. 8). This code also states 'Plagiarism is the presentation of others' words, ideas or scientific results as if they were one's own. It is unethical behaviour and is never acceptable.' (2018, para. 9).

      Most of the science courses will require you to use the USQ Harvard AGPS referencing style. This is not the same as other Harvard styles, though it is very similar. 

    • The official USQ guide to Harvard AGPS. This offers templates and examples of in text citations and reference list entries for this style. 

    • Further information on referencing can be found through the library website. 

    • As a scientist, you will need to be able to find, access and use specialist resources, such as maps and standards. This section offers links and guides for finding these resources for your study. 

    • “Standards are documents setting out specifications, procedures and guidelines. They are designed to ensure products, services and systems are safe, reliable and consistent.“ (Standards Australia, 2018)

    • Digital and hardcopy maps of local and national regions are available for your use. These maps include elevation, vegetation, catchments, water, rainfall, soils, roads and more. 

    • Need information about drugs or chemicals? Here are some specialised databases for visualising chemical data structures and finding related information about their characteristics and effects.

    • Higher degree research students require more advanced research skills to complete literature reviews and research projects. This section will take you through the research process and offer guides, tutorials and resources to help you conduct in depth research.  

    • USQ Staff and Students only. Log-in required.

      This is designed to introduce you to the advanced learning, information retrieval, and management skills required to undertake a Higher Degree by Research. 

      This MUST be completed prior to Confirmation of Candidature.

    • A literature review is a comprehensive assessment and documentation of the literature related to your area of research or your problem.

    • Here are a few key databases that may be useful to get started in your postgraduate research (USQ Log-in required). 

    • Can't find a complete copy of the article? Here are some tips for accessing the full text of books and articles. 

    • Endnote is a bibliographic management software provided by the university. It allows you to create, search, sort and annotate a personal library of research. Using Endnote you can insert properly formatted citations directly into the text or reference list of your document in Word. 

    • This is where you will find the HDR Thesis Presentation Schedule which outlines the formatting requirements for USQ theses. Other official forms and guides to completing your HDR program can also be found at the Office of Research site. It Office of Research produces ReDTrain, a series of initiatives and events to help you develop your skills and knowledge.

    • This community offers a good space to connect with other USQ research students for advice and support. This is a closed facebook group for USQ research students. You will need to request access to join. 

    • Need help with statistics? USQ's Statistical Consulting Unit (SCU) offers workshops and consultations on research design, data collection, analysis and interpretation.This service is only available to postgraduate research students at USQ. You can self-enrol to access this site.

    • Need further help? Contact USQ Library in person or online. 

    • Meet-up
      Meet-up is a student peer support program where you can discuss your questions and concerns with other students. This may be available in your course, or join (USQ Login required) the online Meet-Up Student Community

    • There may be specific support offered within your course. Check out the list below to see what assistance is available for your course this semester. (USQ Log-in Required)