Looking for a Standard? If we do not hold the full text in any of our Standards databases, contact the Engineering Librarian. |
If you have identified an article through an indexing and abstracting database such as Scopus, try searching for the article title in Library Search or Google Scholar. We might hold the full text in another database.
If this does not work, you can try the library catalogue. In this search you would be looking for the Journal title, rather than the article. This is extremely useful for older articles that may not be available electronically.
If you still cannot find the full text of your article, book or thesis, request it.
The library may not hold the full text of all books, articles, theses and papers that you require. However we may be able to obtain them for you through our inter library loan service. To access this service, simply complete the online request form with the details of the item you would like to access. This service is only available to USQ staff, postgraduate and research students.