Section outline

  • All the madatory pracs are based on a common set of assumptions and processes that are determined by the scientific method. These videos start by providing a rationale for why the discipline of psychology adopts the scientific method as its way of knowing the world. We then explain the scientific method in its most general form and then go into detail about how this translates into conducting a research investigation. The "Theory Videos" are in the following order:
    • Problems with Cognition
    • The scientific Method
    • From Concepts to Variables
    • Types of Investigations 
    • Hypothesis Testing and Statistics
    • Evaluating the outcomes of your experiment.
    The "Data Manipulation and Graphing" videos are aimed at developing your skills in being able to manipulate, present, analyse and interpret the outcomes of a research investigation. These videos complement the theory videos, in that they allow you to follow the process (and numbers) that feature in the "theory videos". These videos are in the following order:
    • Means and Standard Deviations
    • Graphing
    • Manipulation and graphing for correlational investigations
    • Conducting statisical Analyses
    We have also included a cheat sheet ("cheetsheet") that might be useful to teachers and students alike. It gives a table of common excel functions, a table that indicates what are the appropriate statistics to use, and a series of questions that step the student through the research process.