Disability and Accessibility

The UniSQ Accessibility Support team can help you to access supports to assist with study if you have a physical, sensory, psychiatric, learning or intellectual impairment, or long term medical condition which impacts upon your daily living activities.

To find out more about the service and how to book an appointment with an Accessibility Support Officer, click here.



UniSQ offers free counselling for students. Counselling is usually short-term and focused on the issues impacting your study and wellbeing.

To find out more about the service and how to book an appointment with a Counsellor, click here.



UniSQ’s wellbeing services cover a range of student supports including:

-          Assistance in navigating Centrelink

-          Assistance in finding childcare and associated fee assistance

-          Hardship assistance

-          Assistance with budgeting, scholarships, and accessing student loans

-          Referrals to legal and JP services

-          Diversity, equity, and inclusion

-          Multi-faith services

-          Assistance with student accommodation

To find out more about the services offered and how to book an appointment with a Student Advisor (Wellbeing), click here.


Career Development

UniSQ’s Career Education team provides career education and support to prepare you for post-graduation life. They can assist with career planning, work experience, mentoring, and developing your application and interview skills.

To find out more about the service and how to book an appointment with a Career Educator, click here.


Safer Communities

UniSQ is committed to creating a safer community for everyone. Safer Communities offers a range of services and responses to support student safety. You can share a concern with Safer Communities about harmful behaviours you may have experienced or witnessed while studying at UniSQ.

To find out more about the service or share a concern, click here.


College for First Nations

UniSQ’s College for First Nations encourages and supports the further education of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

The College for First Nations offers several services and supports to assist First Nations students including:

-          First Nations courses and programs

-          Assistance in applying for Indigenous student scholarships

-          First Nations Student Success Officers

-          The Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme

-          Ask Aunty online hub

-          On-campus study spaces

First Nations Student Success Officers can help with personalised support in areas across the university include, enrolment and program selection, scholarships, career opportunities, accommodation, and more. To find out how to connect with a First Nations Student Success Officer, click here.

The Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) is a free program for UniSQ students where you will be partnered with a tutor who can assist you with understanding your course and its content. ITAS tutors differ from First Nations Learning Advisors, as Learning Advisors only assist with academic and study skills and not content, while tutors assist more specifically with content. Working with both can be a great way to cover content and academic skills. To find out more about the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme, click here.

Image is an Aboriginal artwork, honouring Country. It features mountains, stars, and wind gusts.
Image curtesy of Kc Rae Aboriginal Artist.

Last modified: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, 10:19 AM