4. Avoiding procrastination

StarTry not to feel guilty when you procrastinate.  

We all put things off occasionally.  Why not avoid procrastination by understanding it?  The most common causes of procrastination are:

  • Anxiety:  

    • We will often put off a task that we are worried about.  This isn’t a successful strategy, however. Instead of worrying, spend your time working on your first draft.  Even if it’s not perfect, it means you are started.

  • Confusion:

    • Sometimes, we will put off starting a task because we really don’t understand what it is we need to do.  Try emailing your lecturer, checking in forums or asking a Meet Up Leader. All of these will help you clarify the task, so that you can get started.

  • Self-doubt:

    • Many students think they’re not going to be able to do the task before they even try to do so.  This kind of self-doubt is normal - but not helpful. Don’t forget that there are lots of supports around to help you out.  It’s amazing what you can achieve, when you start trying to do so.

  • Lack of interest:

    • Often we’ll put off a task we’re not interested in doing.  This is natural. There will be parts of every job, every course and every program that you simply don’t enjoy as much as others.  The best way to overcome this is to put the task into perspective. How will it help you achieve your goal? If that doesn’t work, try bribing yourself!

  • Timing:

    • Sometimes, we will procrastinate because we’re trying to do something at the wrong time.  Are you a morning person, or a night person? Attempt your most complex tasks when you are feeling up to completing them.  Try to find yourself a quiet, uninterrupted couple of hours when you can be your best and therefore do your best work.

Top tips for overcoming procrastination:
  • There’s nothing wrong with rewarding yourself for your achievements.  Select something that gives you joy (chocolate, time with friends) to reward yourself after you have finished a stage.

  • Never underestimate the power of a ‘to do’ list.  Not only does a list help you to identify what you need to do, and how important it is to do it, it also helps celebrate your achievements as you cross each task off the list.  

  • Our social hub has some great tips for overcoming procrastination.  

  • The ‘Pomodoro technique’ suggests you work productively for 25 minutes, before giving yourself 5 minutes off.