Getting started

1. Introduction

1.2. Step 2: Planning the big picture

Your next step is to plan at the semester level.  This step is about prioritising what will help you achieve your goal and compromise on all the other things.


  1. What are my non-negotiables?  You might like to prioritise:

    1. fixed deadlines (assignments, exams, birthdays)

    2. things that help you achieve your goal (study)

    3. things that are important to you  (time with friends)

    4. things that help you stay well (exercise)

  2. What are the issues that need attention?  Are there periods of high workload, multiple or conflicting activities. (Weeks 7 and 15 are often high workflow.)

  3. Then, work backwards from these deadlines with mini-deadlines, to alleviate these issues.

  4. Leave space for back-up plans – maybe put your assignment deadlines a few days early, or try to get one out of the way earlier than due if you have a clash?

Use a planner and keep it up to date. USQ’s Social Hub has a range of templates to download. There is of course an ever-growing range of electronic planners and apps that may also be convenient for you.