Course: Learning Online at USQ | OpenDesk

Assessment Policy and Procedure

At USQ, Policy and Procedure guides our approach to assessment, and it is important that all students are familiar with the relevant Policy and Procedure documents. Key documents include:

  • Assessment

    • What sort of assessment does USQ offer?

      Through completing assessment tasks at USQ, you will learn the knowledge, skills and attributes, sought by employers. Your completed assessment tasks are strong examples to demonstrate your career-relevant skills to future employers.

      Assessment is also used to evaluate how well you have achieved the objectives of a course. There are a number of different ways this can occur as an assignment or under exam conditions, but some of these assessment types include:

      • Essays – written work in which you state an idea or argument supported by evidence
      • Reports – A written account of an activity
      • Presentations – An oral account of an activity
      • Multiple choice questions – where you select the correct answer from a number of options
      • Case studies and projects – a response to a scenario
      • Creating artefacts - videos, models, simulations