This course was developed with the support of an Open Access Teaching Award from The University of Southern Queensland.

Dr Tanya Machin is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology and Counselling and led the development of this resource.

Associate Professor Charlotte Brownlow is Associate Dean Graduate Research School, with a particular interest in research ethics.

Mrs Annmaree Jackson was previously the Ethics Coordinator at USQ and assisted researchers in the conduct of ethical research. 

Please feel free to use this resource. If you would to contact the creators please do so at or

How to enrol?

  • Scroll down this page where you will find two enrolment options: Self enrolment or Guest access
  • Use the self enrolment function if you have a UniSQ account. 
    • Make sure you are logged in then enter the following (one-time) enrolment key: EthicsUniSQ
  • For guest users, please contact the Ethics Office at to request the guest access key.

If you have any access issues, please contact the Ethics Office at